Instrumental Activity Book - The Drum Game

Music Resource Description
The Drum Game is an engaging activity designed for children to enhance their listening and responding skills through the use of musical instruments. Initially, the children are encouraged to decide upon visual cues for starting and stopping their instrument play, such as rolling hands to start and raising hands to stop. Practising these cues, children learn to play their instruments and halt abruptly without placing them down, thus avoiding additional noise. Holding the instruments still is recommended to maintain a calm environment.
The game can be adapted to the group's ability and involves simple rules where children sit in a circle or group. When a slow pulse is played on the drum, the children clap in sync; a faster pulse prompts them to tap their knees, and the fastest tempo has them rolling their hands in a 'roly poly' motion. The children must stop immediately when the drumming stops. Initially, the instructor may call out actions, but as the children grow more confident, they are expected to respond to the drum cues alone. The game also includes a version where children play in instrumental groups: tappers and scrapers join in with slow pulses, shakers with faster pulses, and bells with the fastest. An additional layer to the game involves following a 4-beat rhythm pattern played on the drum, with the children joining in and stopping in unison. As an extension, once familiar with various rhythms, the children can take turns leading the game themselves.