Instrumental Reception Notations - Put them back so they don't crack
Music Resource Description
The musical notation provided outlines a catchy and rhythmic song titled "Put Them Back So They Don't Crack," which is an excellent tool for classroom management, particularly after a music lesson. The song is composed in 4/4 time with a series of quaver (eighth note) movements that create a lively beat. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, making it easy for children to learn and sing along. The phrase "Put them back, back, back so they don't crack, crack, crack" is set to a melody that encourages children to return their musical instruments to their proper place without causing any damage.
The song not only serves as a fun activity but also instills a sense of responsibility and care for musical instruments. It is ideal for use during the tidying up process, as it provides a musical cue for children to follow, promoting orderly and timely clean-up. Children are encouraged to play their instruments in time with the pulse of the song until it is their turn to put their instrument away. This methodical approach ensures that instruments are handled with care and stored correctly, preventing any accidental damage. The song's structure and purpose make it a practical addition to any music teacher's repertoire.