Link it! Prior knowledge - Materials - Year 1

Year 1
Link it! Prior knowledge - Materials - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In the 'Link it! Prior Knowledge' section of the curriculum for Year 1, the lesson aims to tap into what children already know about common materials such as wood, glass, and plastic. It is expected that most children will be familiar with these material names and may also recognise their various applications in everyday life. Additionally, they might have an understanding of which materials are used to provide warmth and shelter. The lesson encourages educators to engage with students in exploring these concepts further.

To document their learning journey, children are prompted to record what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only helps to assess their current understanding but also serves as a starting point for the new unit on materials. The lesson plan suggests exploring the names of materials found in the children's surroundings, encouraging them to draw from within the same subject, other subjects they have learned, and their personal experiences. This integrative approach helps to create a comprehensive learning experience that connects new information with existing knowledge.