Knowledge organiser - Materials - Year 1

Science Resource Description
In the Year 1 curriculum, students are introduced to the world of materials, building upon their existing knowledge to expand their vocabulary and understanding of common substances used in daily life. They learn about 'plastic', a versatile man-made material that can be shaped or moulded into any form. The term 'stretch' is explored, exemplified by how elastic materials extend when pulled. Students also encounter the word 'stiff' to describe materials that lack flexibility, contrasting with those that can bend or stretch.
The concept of 'metal' is introduced as a typically strong and tough material, which can be heated and reshaped. 'Liquid' is defined as a state of matter that flows and conforms to the shape of its container, while 'gas' is described as often invisible, yet present all around us. The key knowledge component of the organiser ensures that students are able to identify and understand the uses of common materials, recognise the diversity of materials available, and appreciate the specific applications of glass, wood, and bricks. They learn that plastics are generally pliable, and that not all materials are suitable for every purpose. This foundational science knowledge sets the stage for Year 1 students to observe and make sense of the material world around them.