Long-term overview - Materials - Year 1

Science Resource Description
In Year 1, the science curriculum places a significant emphasis on understanding materials and their properties. Pupils are expected to learn to differentiate between objects and the materials from which they are made. They should be able to identify and name common materials such as wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock that they encounter in everyday life. Moreover, describing the simple physical properties of these materials is a key part of their learning. This foundational knowledge enables pupils to compare and group materials based on characteristics like hardness, flexibility, transparency, and whether they can absorb water.
The substantive knowledge acquired during this year includes recognising the names of materials that objects are made from and understanding why certain materials are chosen for specific uses, such as in construction. For example, students will explore why different materials are used to build a house and which materials are effective at keeping us dry. The curriculum also encourages 'Working Scientifically', where pupils engage in activities like comparative and fair tests to determine the suitability of materials for particular functions, such as insulation. Additionally, they learn to group and classify materials based on their observed properties. This year sets the groundwork for further exploration of materials in Year 2, building upon the familiarity with different materials gained in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).