Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 6
Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 6
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The sixth lesson in a series for Year 6 gymnastics focuses on integrating stands into group performances, either in unison or in sequence (cannon). The learning objectives are to successfully include shapes and balances into performances, to support and perform safely in small groups, and to safely execute headstands and shoulder stands. Key vocabulary terms such as 'entrance', 'exit', 'balance', and 'fluidity' are introduced, emphasizing the importance of control and collaboration in gymnastics. The necessary equipment for this lesson consists of a class set of cones, 15 gymnastic mats, and bibs. The warm-up activity includes a game of squat tag, which prepares the pupils physically for the class and prompts them to consider how such exercises benefit their gymnastics skills and other sports.

Diving into the main portion of the lesson, the teacher sets out mats and demonstrates the key teaching points for performing shoulder stands and headstands, with detailed steps and safety considerations. Pupils practice these stands with partners, focusing on the entrance to the stand, maintaining the stand with proper form, and exiting safely. The class then works on creating performances that incorporate these stands, with attention to smooth transitions and fluid movements. Group sizes may vary, and pupils are encouraged to think about how to integrate unison and cannon sequences into their routines. The lesson wraps up with a cool-down activity where pupils form front support tunnels and reflect on the session, considering what they have improved on and what they need to work on next.