Popsicle push up - Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Physical Education
Year 10 - Year 11
Popsicle push up - Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank

Physical Education Resource Description

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The Popsicle Push Up is an engaging team-building exercise that belongs to the category of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. This challenge requires a group of participants to work together in order to achieve a collective push-up. The initial goal is for four individuals to synchronise and execute a push-up simultaneously. Once this is achieved, the group is encouraged to incrementally add more members, aiming to include everyone in a single, unified push-up. This task encourages creative problem-solving as the group must figure out how to accomplish the push-up with increasing numbers.

The activity follows a specific set of rules. The first participant begins by lying flat on their stomach. Subsequent members position themselves perpendicular to the previous person, placing their feet and ankles over the lower back of the individual adjacent to them, creating an interlinked formation where their torsos form a square. To add complexity, a variation of the challenge can be introduced where the group is tasked with getting everyone off the ground, supported solely by their hands, without providing any predefined solutions. This variant prompts even more creativity and collaboration, as the group must devise their own strategy to achieve the goal.

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