Check it! - Mayans - Year 5

History Resource Description
The educational material from Focus Education invites Year 5 students to delve into the intriguing world of the ancient Maya civilisation. Through a series of interactive activities, children are encouraged to consolidate their knowledge about the Maya, who were a sophisticated and influential society in ancient Mesoamerica. Regular opportunities for review are built into the learning process, with creative strategies such as 'Brain dump', 'Give me FIVE', 'Add to my mind map', 'Expand and Elaborate', and 'Retrieval Pyramids' to help students recall and reflect on what they have learned.
The material prompts students to consider various aspects of Mayan culture, including the construction techniques of their iconic pyramids and the rules of the ceremonial ballgame pok-ta-pok. Learners are encouraged to 'Expand and Elaborate' on ideas, recognising the advanced nature of the Maya and the significance of pok-ta-pok in their society. The resource also poses thought-provoking questions about the location of the Mayan civilisation, its contemporaneity with events in Britain, the unique features of Mayan pyramids, the influence of Mayan gods, the connection between the Maya and chocolate, and theories surrounding the sudden collapse of this once-great civilisation. The curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils can engage with the foundational questions, while more advanced topics challenge their understanding further.