Knowledge organiser - Mayans - Year 5

Printables & Templates
Year 5
Whole School
Knowledge organiser - Mayans - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

This knowledge organiser is designed for Year 5 students studying the ancient Mayan civilisation. It introduces key vocabulary and concepts essential to understanding the Maya and their contributions to society. 'Chichen Itza' is highlighted as the most famous Mayan pyramid, a testament to their architectural prowess. Students will also learn about 'Itzamna', the principal deity in Mayan culture, revered as the god of fire and creator of Earth. The term 'codices' refers to the unique books crafted by the Maya from soft bark, which folded in an accordion-like fashion.

Additional vocabulary includes 'ahau' or 'ahaw', denoting the chief king or lord of a Mayan city-state, and 'batab', indicating a lesser lord with authority over a smaller town. 'Kukulcan', the serpent god, is identified as one of the pivotal deities, particularly among the Itza people of Chichen Itza. The knowledge organiser sets out key learning objectives, such as understanding the Mayan influence on society, contrasting the timelines of Mayan and British history, differentiating between Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, recognising the role of religion and sacrifice in Mayan culture, describing the ancient Mayan game pok-ta-pok, and exploring theories on the decline of the Mayan civilisation. This resource serves as a foundation for the main learning theme on civilisations, specifically focusing on the Maya, and builds on prior historical knowledge students may have.