Give me 3 - The Maya

Year 5
Give me 3 - The Maya
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The ancient Maya civilisation is renowned for its remarkable advancements that were ahead of their time. To score points in a knowledge-based activity, students are encouraged to identify three key reasons for the Maya's advanced status. These could include their sophisticated understanding of astronomy, which was integral to their calendar system; their development of a complex writing system known as glyphs; and their innovative agricultural techniques like terracing and irrigation, which supported a dense population.

When exploring the architectural prowess of the Maya, students are tasked with naming three distinct Mayan temples or pyramids. These could be the iconic El Castillo at Chichen Itza, the grand Temple of the Cross at Palenque, or the majestic Temple of the Inscriptions, also located in Palenque. Each of these structures showcases the Maya's impressive engineering skills and deep religious beliefs. Additionally, students delve into the theories surrounding the decline of the Maya civilisation, listing three potential reasons why it may have faded, such as prolonged droughts, overpopulation leading to resource depletion, or internal warfare disrupting their society.