Link it! Prior knowledge - North America - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - North America - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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When embarking on a geographical exploration of North America, it is crucial to begin by tapping into what Year 6 students already know about the continent, particularly focusing on the United States of America. Teachers are encouraged to discuss and clarify students' perceptions of America, considering whether they equate the term solely with the USA. Such discussions often reveal that many children have been exposed to American culture through media, such as cowboy-themed films or cartoons, which can shape their initial understanding of the country and its people.

Moreover, some students may have personal experiences of visiting North American countries like the USA or Mexico, which can provide a rich foundation for learning. In the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, children are prompted to record what they already know about the continent. This exercise not only helps to activate their existing knowledge but also sets the stage for deepening their understanding of North America's main geographical features. The 'Link It!' section further encourages students to draw connections between their current subject of study, other subjects they have learned, and their personal experiences, fostering a comprehensive and interconnected approach to learning about North America.