Link it! Prior knowledge - Body Parts - Year 1

Year 1
Link it! Prior knowledge - Body Parts - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In a Year 1 classroom, the lesson begins by tapping into the children's existing knowledge of the human body. The focus is on the visible parts of the body and the five senses. It is anticipated that most children will already be familiar with the names of various body parts such as arms, legs, eyes, and ears. While they may not be acquainted with the term 'senses', they are likely to have an understanding of smelling, hearing, and touching from their experiences in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The lesson aims to explore and expand upon this prior knowledge.

As part of the learning process, children are encouraged to record what they already know about body parts and senses in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only serves as a starting point for the current lesson but also integrates learning from different subjects and personal experiences. By acknowledging and building on what they already know, children are more likely to engage with new concepts and relate them to their own lives, making the learning experience both meaningful and enjoyable.