Progression pedagogy - Body Parts - Year 1

Year 1
Progression pedagogy - Body Parts - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the educational framework for Year 1 students, the unit on Body Parts employs a structured approach to learning about the human body and the five senses. This approach is designed to ensure that pupils not only acquire new knowledge but also retain it effectively. The 'link it, learn it, check it, show it, and know it' system is central to this pedagogical method. Initially, before the learning starts, connections are made with prior knowledge to engage students and set the context for new information. This stage is crucial for grounding the upcoming lessons in a familiar framework, thus facilitating better understanding and recall.

During the learning phase, students are introduced to the names of visible body parts and the five senses. This knowledge is reinforced through interactive and practical activities that allow pupils to explore and identify their own body parts and relate them to their respective senses. As the learning progresses, regular checks are conducted to assess understanding and address any misconceptions. The 'show it' stage is where students demonstrate their learning, often through creative or physical expression, solidifying their grasp on the topic. Finally, the 'know it' stage ensures that the knowledge sticks, with follow-up activities designed to embed the learning deeply into the students' memory. This progression within the unit is part of a larger strategy detailed in the 'Five stages of learning and remembering' document available through Focus Education's resources.