Give me 3 - Living things

Year 1
Give me 3 - Living things
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

AI generated

The "Give me 3!" activity is an engaging educational task designed for children to recall and list various items within a specified category. In this instance, the category is 'living things', and the objective is for the children to list as many living things as they can within a 15-minute timeframe. For each correct item listed, the children score 2 points, encouraging them to think broadly and quickly. Although the activity emphasises recall and quantity, spelling is not a crucial factor, allowing children to focus on the content of their lists without concern for orthographic accuracy.

Additionally, the activity includes reflective sections where children are prompted to recall and note down three things they remember about different categories: non-living things, living things, and things that never lived. These sections aim to consolidate the children's understanding of the characteristics that define each category. The task also touches upon the topic of animal classification, likely prompting discussions or teachings on how animals are grouped based on shared characteristics, such as mammals, reptiles, birds, and so on. This activity, developed by Focus Education (UK) Ltd, serves as a comprehensive tool for reinforcing concepts related to biology and the natural world.

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