Link it! Prior knowledge - How are Animals Classified - Year 1

Year 1
Link it! Prior knowledge - How are Animals Classified - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In the early stages of education, specifically in Year 1, children begin to delve into the fascinating world of animal classification. This lesson aims to tap into the wealth of prior knowledge that children bring with them from their experiences in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). At this point, while they might not be familiar with scientific terms such as 'reptile' or 'amphibian', they are likely to have encountered simpler classifications like 'carnivore' and 'herbivore'. It's also common for many children to have personal experiences with animals, especially if they have pets at home. These experiences provide an excellent starting point for discussions about what different animals eat and how they live.

The lesson encourages children to explore and articulate what they already know about animals. By discussing the characteristics of various animals and drawing from their own observations, children can begin to understand the basics of animal classification. Teachers are advised to engage students in conversations about their pets or animals they are familiar with, which helps to make the learning process relevant and meaningful. As part of the lesson, children are invited to record their existing knowledge in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, a tool that will help them organise and reflect upon the information they have gathered about animals and how they are classified.

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