Long-term overview - Reversible and Irreversible Changes - Year 5

Year 5
Whole School
Long-term overview - Reversible and Irreversible Changes - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the Year 5 science curriculum, students delve into the intriguing world of materials and changes. They are tasked with comparing and grouping everyday materials based on their properties, such as hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (both electrical and thermal), and magnetic responsiveness. Pupils learn about the process of dissolving substances to form solutions and the subsequent recovery of these substances. They explore various methods to separate mixtures, including filtering, sieving, and evaporating, and understand the practical applications of these techniques. The curriculum also emphasises the importance of fair testing and observation over time, particularly in relation to factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in water.

Furthermore, the students are encouraged to investigate and distinguish between reversible and irreversible changes, understanding that while some changes allow materials to return to their original form, others lead to the creation of new materials that cannot be reverted. This understanding is crucial for explaining why certain materials are used for specific purposes based on their physical properties and chemical behaviours. The curriculum also connects the concept of reversible and irreversible changes to real-world applications, such as their role in forensic science. This comprehensive approach not only builds substantive knowledge but also hones the pupils' scientific inquiry skills, laying a solid foundation for future learning in chemistry and related fields.