Link it! Prior knowledge - Reversible and Irreversible Changes - Year 5

Year 5
Link it! Prior knowledge - Reversible and Irreversible Changes - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

Building upon the foundations set in Year 4, Year 5 students revisit the concept of states of matter and how certain materials undergo changes. The prior knowledge section of the lesson plan reminds pupils of everyday examples of irreversible changes, such as the toasting of bread or the burning of paper, which they have observed but may not have explored scientifically. They are also reminded of reversible changes, like the melting of ice into water upon heating. This sets the stage for deeper inquiry into the science behind these transformations.

Students are encouraged to actively engage with their existing understanding by recording what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. They are prompted to consider which materials can revert to their original form after a change and which cannot. This exercise not only helps to consolidate their previous learning but also connects to other subjects, personal experiences, and prepares them for the upcoming lessons on reversible and irreversible changes. By focusing on prior knowledge, the lesson aims to create a seamless link between past and present learning, making the new information more relatable and easier to grasp.