Link it! Prior knowledge - Materials - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Materials - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The 'Link It!' section of a lesson plan is designed to engage Year 2 students by connecting new learning about materials with their existing knowledge and experiences. The lesson aims to help children understand how to utilise materials effectively by reflecting on what they have already learned in Year 1, as well as their everyday interactions with various materials. In the initial stages, the teacher is encouraged to prompt the children to recall their previous unit on materials, which likely introduced them to different textures and properties, such as the ability of materials to stretch, bend, squash, and twist.

During the lesson, children are invited to actively explore and discuss these concepts, drawing connections within the same subject, across different subjects, and from their own personal experiences. This approach helps to create a rich learning environment where children can relate new information to familiar contexts. As a practical exercise, students are encouraged to record their existing knowledge in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This not only serves as a baseline for their understanding but also as a foundation upon which the new lessons about materials will be built, ensuring a cohesive and integrated learning experience.