Link it! Prior knowledge - Being Healthy - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Being Healthy - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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Understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy body is a key lesson for Year 2 students, building on concepts they may have already encountered in earlier stages of their education. The 'Link it!' activity encourages students to connect new information about being healthy with what they already know from various sources. This includes knowledge from the same subject area, such as exercise and fitness, which most children will have heard about, as well as healthy eating discussions that might have taken place during food technology sessions in Early Years and Year 1. Additionally, students can draw from their personal experiences and observations, like recognising the growth stages from babies to children and eventually into adults.

The lesson plan suggests an exploratory approach where children engage in conversations about these topics, prompting them to reflect on and record their existing knowledge about health in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only reinforces their understanding of how to maintain a healthy body but also helps them make meaningful connections between their past experiences and the new health-related concepts they are learning. It serves as a foundation for deeper exploration into the subject of health and well-being.