Animals including Humans - Answers

Year 1
Animals including Humans - Answers
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In the Year One Summative Assessment focused on Animals including Humans, students are tested on their understanding of different animal classifications and characteristics. The assessment begins with a matching exercise where students must draw lines to connect animals to their respective types, such as amphibians, mammals, reptiles, fish, and birds. They are asked to identify which of these animals produce milk for their offspring, with the correct answer being mammals. Additionally, learners are prompted to recognize animals that inhabit both land and water, with acceptable answers including crocodiles or alligators, and toads or frogs.

The assessment continues with a request for students to provide examples of animals not pictured in each category, which relies on their own judgement. They then move on to identifying the odd one out from a list of animals, which could be the giraffe because it is an herbivore, or the dolphin if the student notes that it lives in water. Students also match animals to their diets and categorize them as omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores. The questionnaire further explores human dietary choices, asking what humans who only consume plant-based diets are called, with 'vegetarians' or 'vegans' as acceptable responses. The assessment includes a section where students link body parts to the five senses and specifically identify the skin as the organ responsible for the sense of touch. Finally, they are tasked with labelling various parts of the human body, such as the hand, knee, neck, and more, demonstrating their knowledge of human anatomy.