Singing Games Lesson Plan - Year 2 Lesson 2

Music Resource Description
The second lesson in the Year 2 Singing Games series is designed to immerse children in the world of music through engaging singing games. The learning objectives are multifaceted, aiming to introduce students to new singing games as well as revisiting familiar ones. The children are encouraged to sing with an understanding of the melody's shape and with rhythmic precision. Additionally, they will practice walking to a steady pulse in a well-structured circle, clapping and stamping in time with the music, and confidently performing solos or in small groups. The lesson also focuses on improvising actions to match the steady pulse and following actions cued by specific words within the songs.
During the main activities, children will learn three different games: 'Mrs Macaroni', 'The Muffin Man', and 'Wallflowers', each with its own unique set of rules and opportunities for participation. 'Mrs Macaroni' is a popular circle game that involves clapping and stamping to the beat, while 'The Muffin Man' is an accumulative game that encourages group singing and dancing. 'Wallflowers' challenges children to invent and perform actions to a steady pulse. The lesson concludes with a plenary session where children reflect on their favourite games and discuss the musical skills they are developing. Teachers are advised to refer to the provided notations for detailed game instructions and to consult the 'Teacher Notes' on the CD-ROM for song teaching techniques and tips to enhance the lesson. The National Curriculum objectives of experiencing pitch and duration, as well as using voices expressively and creatively, are at the core of this lesson plan.