Max Maths, Year 2, Practice, Multiplying by 5 and 10

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Practice, Multiplying by 5 and 10
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths programme for Year 2, young learners are introduced to the concept of multiplication as a means to count more efficiently. When faced with the question of how many eggs there are, rather than counting one by one, students are encouraged to use their knowledge of multiplying by 5s and 10s. This approach simplifies the process and helps them understand that multiplication is a form of repeated addition. By arranging the eggs in groups of 5 or 10, students can easily write a multiplication sentence to represent the total number of eggs, with the format 'number of groups × number in each group = total number of eggs'. This method reinforces their understanding of multiplication and its practical applications.

The 'Let's Practise' section provides a series of multiplication problems that help students to solidify their skills in multiplying by 5 and 10. These exercises are designed to be straightforward and build confidence in their ability to handle basic multiplication. For example, multiplying 5 by 5, or 4 by 10, and so on. By working through these problems, children develop fluency in their multiplication tables, which is a key foundational skill in mathematics. For further practice and to reinforce these concepts, students are directed to workbook pages 97 to 99, where they can find additional exercises and problems to work on.

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