Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Multiplying by 5 and 10 (1)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Multiplying by 5 and 10 (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths programme for Year 2, young learners are introduced to the concepts of multiplication by engaging with relatable and visual examples. The lesson on multiplying by 5 begins with a simple, yet effective exercise involving buttercup flowers. Each flower is depicted with 5 petals, and students are asked to calculate the total number of petals when there are multiple flowers. This exercise not only teaches multiplication but also reinforces addition, as children see that adding five repeatedly is the same as multiplying by 5. The example clearly demonstrates that six groups of five petals amount to 30 petals altogether, making the concept of multiplication by 5 both accessible and understandable for Year 2 students.

Further reinforcing the concept of multiplication, the lesson continues with an activity featuring Samir, who creates groups of 5 blocks. As Samir counts the blocks in fives and marks the numbers on a chart, a pattern begins to emerge. This hands-on approach allows children to visualise the multiplication process and recognise the pattern that arises when counting in multiples of 5. The lesson is designed to be interactive and encourages students to think critically about the patterns they observe, laying a strong foundation for their understanding of basic multiplication and preparing them for more advanced mathematical concepts.