Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Multiplying by 5 and 10 (1)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Multiplying by 5 and 10 (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 mathematics lesson, children are introduced to the concept of multiplication with a focus on multiplying by 5 and 10. The lesson begins with a relatable and visual example featuring buttercup flowers, each with 5 petals. Students are encouraged to count the petals to find out the total number when there are multiple flowers. Through adding the number of petals from each flower, children discover that 6 groups of 5 petals equal 30 petals in total. This is further reinforced with the multiplication equation 6 × 5 = 30, illustrating that there are 30 petals altogether when combining the petals from all the flowers.

The lesson continues with Samir, a character who makes groups of 5 blocks. As he counts these blocks in increments of 5, he colours in the corresponding numbers on a chart, helping to visualise the counting sequence. This activity leads Samir to observe a pattern in the numbers, which is an essential step in recognising the regularity and predictability of multiplication by 5. The lesson's approach is hands-on and interactive, making the concept of multiplication more accessible and engaging for Year 2 students as they begin to grasp the foundational skills in mathematics.