Five a Day - FDP - Equivalent fractions

Maths Resource Description
KS2Gems presents a Maths Five a Day activity, focusing on the concept of equivalent fractions, designed to challenge Year 6 pupils with five SATs style questions. This activity is a great way to start a lesson, offering an opportunity for students to assess their understanding or to engage in retrieval practice, refreshing their knowledge on this particular area of Maths. Each question is crafted to mirror the format of questions from previous SATs papers, ensuring students become familiar with the type and style of questions they may encounter in their exams.
The questions range from finding missing values to make fractions equivalent, to identifying fractions represented by shaded parts of shapes. For example, one question asks students to write two missing values to complete a set of equivalent fractions. Another question presents a diagram of a wall painted in different colours and asks students to determine what fraction of the wall is painted yellow. There's also a question involving a crate of drinks where students must figure out the fraction of the crate that contains water bottles. The activity concludes with a question about a 10 x 10 grid, where students must tick the fractions that accurately represent the shaded part. Answers are provided on subsequent slides, allowing for immediate feedback and discussion of strategies used to find the solutions.