Spring Term Grammar and Punctuation Assessment Guidance

English Resource Description
The KS2Gems2022 Spring Term Grammar and Punctuation Assessment Guidance is a comprehensive resource for Year 6 teachers, providing detailed instructions on administering, marking, and understanding the progress tests. The document includes an overview of the assessment, mark schemes, and an analysis grid to identify learning gaps. The tests are designed to be taken at specific points in the academic term, following weeks of focused grammar and punctuation instruction. The first progress test is recommended after weeks 3-6 of the programme, while the second should follow weeks 8-11. Each test accommodates flexibility in scheduling, with the entire programme spanning 12 weeks to allow for thorough review and assessment.
Administering the test involves clear instructions to the pupils, ensuring they understand the process and the expected duration, which is typically 15 minutes. Students are advised on how to change answers and the importance of working independently. The marking guidance provides clarity on acceptable answers, dealing with additional punctuation, spelling requirements, and how to handle answers written outside the expected space or crossed-out responses. The mark schemes for each test detail the criteria for correct answers, such as the use of formal language, identification of grammatical components like verb phrases, and the correct application of punctuation for parenthesis. The guidance is designed to ensure consistency in marking and to support teachers in evaluating their students' understanding of grammar and punctuation concepts.