Link it! Prior knowledge - Plants - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Plants - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The foundation of the lesson on plants for Year 2 students is built upon their existing knowledge and experiences with the natural world. It is assumed that all children have been exposed to an environment with multiple trees and that during their early years foundation stage (EYFS) and Year 1, they have already explored the basics of plant growth. Many children may also have trees in their own gardens and are likely to be aware that trees are a source of the fruit they consume. These assumptions form the basis for encouraging students to engage with and expand upon what they already know about plants and trees.

To facilitate this, children are prompted to explore and articulate their prior knowledge by recording it in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only helps to activate their existing understanding but also serves as a starting point for the new learning about what plants and trees require to grow healthily. The lesson aims to make connections within the subject of science, relate to other subjects, and draw upon the children's personal experiences. By doing so, it provides a comprehensive approach to learning that integrates different aspects of the children's lives and education, enhancing their understanding of the world around them.