Show it! Group presentation - Plants - Year 1

Year 1
Show it! Group presentation - Plants - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a Year 1 class, children have been exploring the fascinating world of plants and birds. As they near the end of this unit, they are given the chance to showcase their newfound knowledge through a group presentation. This is an excellent opportunity for the young learners to articulate what they have learned about the different parts of plants and to share their knowledge of various bird species with their classmates.

The presentation can take several forms, but a particularly effective method is for the teacher to create a PowerPoint filled with photographs taken throughout the learning journey. These images might feature a range of plants and birds that the children have studied. During the presentation, different students can take turns speaking about each image, explaining the parts of the plants shown and naming the birds they recognize. This interactive and visual approach not only reinforces the children's learning but also helps them develop their communication skills and confidence in speaking before an audience.