Link it! Prior knowledge - Plants - Year 1

Year 1
Link it! Prior knowledge - Plants - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a Year 1 classroom, the lesson on plants commences by tapping into the children's prior knowledge. The educator encourages exploration and discussion about plants, acknowledging that each child has had some level of interaction with plants, whether through handling or observing them. It is recognised that while most children may be familiar with the names of plant parts, they might not fully understand the functions of these parts. The lesson plan also considers the experiences the children might have had in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), where they likely engaged in activities related to caring for plants. Furthermore, the conversation extends to the children's personal experiences, such as the plants they have encountered or grown in their own gardens at home.

As part of the learning process, children are invited to document their existing knowledge about plants in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This activity serves not only to assess their current understanding but also to stimulate curiosity and connections with the topic. They are prompted to think about the different parts of plants and to reflect on their knowledge of birds that interact with these plants. This approach to learning aims to bridge the gap between the children's prior experiences within the subject, across different subjects, and from their personal lives, thereby creating a comprehensive and relatable context for the new information they will learn in this unit.