Cops and robbers - Woodland creatures

Year 2
Cops and robbers - Woodland creatures
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In an interactive classroom activity titled 'Cops and robbers', pupils are encouraged to engage with the topic of woodland creatures in a dynamic way. Initially, students are given a two-minute window to jot down everything they can recall about woodland animals on the left side of their table under 'Own recalled knowledge'. This initial phase is designed to stimulate their memory and assess their current understanding of the subject.

Following this, the 'robbers' aspect of the game comes into play. Each pupil is allocated 60 seconds to 'steal' information from their peers. During this brief period, they are permitted to view and borrow ideas from up to three other students' columns, transferring any new information to the 'Stolen knowledge' section on the right side of their table. They are incentivised to gather as much plausible information as possible, with each credible statement earning them two points. The entire exercise is designed to last 15 minutes, encouraging quick thinking and active learning. The activity not only reinforces knowledge about woodland creatures but also prompts pupils to consider why animals choose specific habitats, fostering a deeper understanding of animal behaviour and environmental science.