Link it! Prior knowledge - Habitats - Year 2

Science Resource Description
As part of the Year 2 curriculum, students are set to delve into the topic of habitats, building on the foundation laid in the previous year. The children come into the unit with a set of prior knowledge that will serve as a stepping stone for their new learning journey. They have previously covered a unit on classifying animals in Year 1, which would have introduced them to the diversity of animal life and the basics of grouping animals based on common characteristics. Additionally, discussions about pets and their preferences may have touched upon the needs and likes of domestic animals, providing insight into how living environments cater to different species.
Moreover, the children are likely to have a basic understanding of the homes of various creatures, particularly those in the wild, from their earlier educational experiences. To activate and assess this existing knowledge, teachers are encouraged to engage with the children, prompting them to explore and articulate what they already know about animal habitats. This exploration can be recorded in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, a tool that helps consolidate their understanding and serves as a reference point throughout the unit. The lesson aims to deepen their comprehension by addressing the question: Why do animals choose the habitats they have? By linking this new learning to their prior knowledge within the same subject, other subjects, and even their personal experiences, children are provided with a holistic and interconnected view of the natural world and its inhabitants.