Who is the fittest in our class? - Teacher notes

Year 2
Who is the fittest in our class? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In a classroom experiment designed to determine the fittest pupil, the teacher's notes lay out a framework for setting up a series of activities. The pupils are encouraged to think creatively and design an experiment that includes five different tasks, each aimed at measuring the three core components of fitness: stamina, strength, and speed. To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, they are advised to work in pairs initially to brainstorm suitable activities that would effectively assess each fitness element.

The investigation is to be set up with a variety of physical challenges such as running, throwing, jumping, skipping, kicking, and catching. To add an educational twist, pupils might also incorporate academic tasks like spelling or reciting times tables. The scoring system proposed involves awarding points on a scale from 0 to 10 based on performance in each event, with clear criteria for what constitutes high and low scores. Pupils are recommended to work in groups of four to foster teamwork and collaborative thinking. Recording their results is an integral part of the process, and they are provided with sheets to document their findings. Through this activity, pupils not only engage in a practical investigation of fitness but also reflect on the broader question of why it is important to maintain a healthy body.