Show it! Group presentation - Heart and the Circulatory system - Year 6

Year 6
Show it! Group presentation - Heart and the Circulatory system - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In an engaging and interactive Year 6 classroom presentation, students explore the workings of the heart and the circulatory system, delving into the importance of this vital organ. Towards the end of their study on this topic, children are encouraged to share their knowledge with classmates, demonstrating their understanding of how the heart functions and its crucial role in maintaining health. This sharing of information serves as both a learning reinforcement for the presenting group and an informative session for the rest of the class.

The presentation can take various forms, from a teacher-created PowerPoint to student-led activities. Children are organised into small groups, with no more than six members per group, to ensure effective collaboration and participation. Each group is tasked with presenting on a specific aspect of the circulatory system, such as the heart itself, the network of arteries and capillaries, understanding pulse rate, the contributions of William Harvey to the study of circulation, the composition and function of blood, or the role of the lungs in oxygenating the blood. This approach not only allows students to become subject matter experts in their chosen area but also fosters public speaking and teamwork skills. The goal is to create an atmosphere where students can confidently say, "Good Morning, I would like to tell you about …" as they begin their informative and educational presentations.