Classification - Objectives Labels

Year 6
Classification - Objectives Labels

Science Resource Description

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In Lesson 6.8 on Classification, the objective is to delve into the systematic organization of living things. Students will learn to describe the process by which living organisms, including microorganisms, plants, and animals, are sorted into broad categories. These categories are determined by shared, observable characteristics and the similarities and differences among the organisms. The lesson aims to equip students with the ability to articulate why specific characteristics are used as the basis for classifying plants and animals into these groups.

Understanding and retention of the material will be assessed through a series of questions that challenge the students to demonstrate their grasp of the concepts. They will be asked to confirm their ability to state that living organisms are grouped broadly and that these groups can be further subdivided. Additionally, they will need to show that they can identify some of these groups and correctly classify organisms based on their common characteristics. This lesson is structured to ensure that students not only learn the principles of classification but also apply this knowledge effectively.