Classification - Animal Cards

Year 6
Classification - Animal Cards

Science Resource Description

AI generated

The classification activity features a diverse set of animal cards, each representing a unique species from various taxonomic groups. Among the mammals, we have the bounding Kangaroo, the hefty Hippopotamus, and the leisurely Sloth. The marine world is represented by the colossal Whale Shark, the graceful Manta Ray, and the vibrantly patterned Lionfish. These creatures showcase the vast range of adaptations and environments within the mammal and fish categories.

Birds are represented by the powerful Harpy Eagle, the peculiar Hoatzin, and the formidable Cassowary, each illustrating the incredible diversity found in avian species. Reptiles and amphibians are not to be outdone, with the Gharial Crocodile and Leatherback Turtle displaying reptilian resilience, while the Cane Toad, Fire Belly Newt, and Poison Dart Frog highlight the fascinating world of amphibians. Lastly, the insect category buzzes with the impressive Titan Beetle and the fearsome Japanese Giant Hornet, both demonstrating the intricate and varied life of insects. Through these animal cards, students can explore and understand the characteristics that define the main animal classes: Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile, Amphibian, and Insect.