Classification - DNA Info Sheet

Year 6
Classification - DNA Info Sheet

Science Resource Description

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DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is an extraordinary chemical that serves as the fundamental building block of life. It is so crucial that without it, life as we know it would simply not be possible. DNA has a unique structure, appearing like a twisted ladder, which scientists refer to as a double helix. This elegant form is not just aesthetically pleasing but also incredibly functional, carrying all the necessary information that living organisms require to reproduce and create offspring. One of the most remarkable features of DNA is its ability to replicate itself, a process that involves the double helix unwinding and attracting the correct chemicals to each strand, thereby forming new DNA molecules.

This genetic material is universal to all living entities, underlining the interconnectedness of life on Earth. In fact, DNA is so fundamental to life that there are surprising similarities across different species. For example, humans share about half of their DNA with bananas, illustrating that despite the vast diversity of life, there is a common genetic thread linking us all. This shared DNA across various forms of life highlights the deep-rooted genetic relationships and the shared ancestry within the tree of life.