Classification - Lesson Plan

Year 6
Classification - Lesson Plan

Science Resource Description

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The lesson plan from The Primary Science Advisory Service Ltd introduces Year 6 students to the concept of classification in biology. The lesson is structured to help students understand how living things are grouped according to observable characteristics and similarities and differences. This includes a range of organisms such as microorganisms, plants, and animals. The lesson aims to develop skills in pattern seeking and identifying, classifying, and grouping, which are crucial in scientific investigations. Students will build on their previous knowledge from earlier years, where they may have learned about fossils and the life processes of reproduction, and will link this to the current curriculum that includes topics like evolution and inheritance.

During the lesson, students will engage in various activities, including classifying different types of footwear, arranging organism cards into categories, and extracting DNA from fruit to understand the genetic commonalities among living beings. These practical tasks are designed to reinforce the concept that classification can be based on both internal and external characteristics. The lesson plan also addresses common misconceptions, such as the false belief that humans are not animals or that different classes of species are unrelated. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain the methods scientists use for classification, name classes of animals, and identify characteristics used to classify an animal as a fish, among other learning outcomes. Cross-curricular links are made with geography, RE, history, and English, encouraging a holistic approach to learning about classification.