Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description

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The first lesson of Gymnastics 2 in the Striver Lesson Plans for Year 2 focuses on teaching children how to safely use gymnastics apparatus, with an emphasis on proper entrances, exits, and balances. Success criteria for the lesson include pupils being able to jump with soft knees, land with knees bent and arms in front, and perform a variety of balances with accuracy. Key vocabulary introduced includes terms such as entrance, exit, balance, apparatus, jumping, and the shapes pencil and star. Equipment needed for the lesson includes safety mats, various apparatus like benches and boxes of different heights, a springboard, a crash mat, and cones to mark a safe zone.

The lesson begins with a warm-up that involves creating an apparatus area and discussing safety with the pupils. The teacher demonstrates different shapes such as pencil and star, and pupils practice jumping with arms reaching up and landing with 'squashy' knees. During the main part of the lesson, pupils work in small teams to perform on the apparatus, focusing on safe jumping and landing techniques, as well as entering and exiting the equipment with the correct posture. Variations include jumping and balancing on benches, using wall ropes, and performing hops and gallops. The lesson concludes with a cool-down game called 'Sea and Sand', where pupils respond to commands by jumping forwards and backwards, with additional challenges introduced to extend the activity. Pupil talk throughout the lesson encourages reflection on performance and safety considerations.

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