Games 1 - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Games 1 - Lesson 6
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In the sixth lesson of Year 2 Games within the Striver Lesson Plans, the primary learning objective is to enable pupils to progress from rolling to mastering the skills of catching and throwing. The success criteria are clearly defined: students should be able to throw and catch using both hands, make an attempt at one-handed throws and catches, and successfully execute these skills during small-sided games with their teammates. Key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as 'catching', 'throwing', 'underarm', 'control', and 'intercept', among others. The equipment required for the activities includes cones, large balls, and tennis balls.

The lesson is structured to include a warm-up, main activities, and a cool-down period, each designed to enhance the pupils' catching and throwing abilities. The warm-up involves a '1 Step Back' exercise where pupils catch balls thrown by a designated 'thrower' and step back with each successful catch. The main part of the lesson includes paired catching exercises, square catching drills, and a 'Keep Ball' game played three versus three, with the aim of maintaining possession and scoring goals. Key teaching points are emphasised throughout, such as adopting a ready position and maintaining eye contact. The lesson concludes with a cool-down where pupils reflect on their learning over the past six weeks, discussing their favourite activities, challenges faced, and skills acquired.