Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Measuring length (2)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Try it, Measuring length (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 6 students, there is a practical exercise focused on measuring lengths accurately. The students are tasked with using a ruler to measure the length of various lines. They are instructed to record their measurements in both centimetres and millimetres, ensuring they pay close attention to precision. The activity sheet provides spaces labelled (a) to (e) for students to write down their measurements next to each corresponding line, reinforcing their understanding of metric units and their ability to convert between them.

Following the measuring activity, the students are given an opportunity to practise their drawing skills on dotted paper. They are asked to draw lines of specific lengths using different colours, which not only helps to consolidate their measuring skills but also encourages them to follow instructions carefully. For example, they need to draw a green line that is 5.7 cm long, a red line of 11.7 cm, and so on, with each line having a distinct colour and length. This hands-on activity is designed to enhance their fine motor skills and understanding of length measurement. Students can find additional exercises and resources to support their learning on workbook pages 92 to 93.