Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Measuring volume

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 6 practice section on measuring volume, students are presented with exercises that focus on converting units between millilitres and litres. This fundamental skill in mathematics is essential for understanding and working with volume measurements in both everyday and scientific contexts. On workbook pages 96 to 97, the tasks are divided into two sets of questions designed to test and reinforce students' conversion abilities.
The first set of questions, 'Let's Practise 1', challenges students to convert given quantities of millilitres into litres. This involves understanding that 1,000 millilitres make up one litre. Students are presented with various quantities such as 1,250 ml, 7,500 ml, and up to 10,500 ml, which they must convert into the larger unit of litres. The second set, 'Let's Practise 2', requires students to do the reverse: convert litres into millilitres. This set includes simple whole litre conversions as well as more complex ones that combine litres with additional millilitres, such as 2 l 550 ml or 6 l 475 ml. These exercises help solidify the students' understanding of the relationship between the two units and enhance their proficiency in volume measurement.