Check it! - Anglo-Saxons and Vikings - Year 5

History Resource Description
The educational materials for Year 5 students delve into the significant transformations that occurred in Britain from the end of Roman rule to the year 1066, a period marked by the influence of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The content encourages educators to embed frequent opportunities for pupils to reflect on and consolidate their learning. Suggested activities include 'Brain dump', where students quickly jot down everything they remember, 'Give me FIVE', an exercise to recall five specific facts or concepts, and 'Add to my mind map', which allows for the visual organization of knowledge. Additionally, 'Expand and Elaborate' prompts deeper thinking, while 'Retrieval Pyramids' challenge students to remember and structure information hierarchically.
The study materials prompt students to explore questions such as the impact of the Anglo-Saxons on British improvements and the reasons behind the Roman withdrawal from Britain. They are encouraged to identify five Viking words still in use today, and to expand upon basic statements about the Vikings, acknowledging their skills and origins. The resources also include a 'Pyramid Check' activity, where students are expected to know answers to fundamental questions about the era, such as naming three Anglo-Saxon kings, identifying the famous type of Viking boat, and recalling the Viking settlement in York. More challenging tasks include naming Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and Viking-origin words. The inquiry into whether Britain was better off post-Roman era is posed to stimulate critical thinking and historical analysis.