Show it! Group presentation - Romans - Year 4

History Resource Description
In a Year 4 history lesson centred around the Romans, students are encouraged to explore the significant changes that occurred in Britain from the end of the Iron Age to the conclusion of the Roman occupation. As part of the 'Show It!' phase of their learning journey, children are provided with the opportunity to showcase their understanding and findings to their peers. This presentation can be facilitated in various forms, including the use of a staff-created PowerPoint that encapsulates the ongoing learning, which is then shared with the class for a comprehensive review.
Students are organised into small groups, with no more than six members in each, to foster collaboration and detailed research. Each group is given the freedom to select a specific topic related to Roman history, such as Roman emperors, weapons, slaves, roads, buildings, or the broader context of the Roman Empire itself. This allows for a diverse range of presentations, offering a richer and more nuanced view of the period. The presentations serve as a platform for students to confidently articulate their insights, starting with a greeting, such as "Good Morning," followed by an engaging introduction to their chosen subject matter. As they progress through their slides, they reveal the depth of Britain's transformation under Roman influence, providing a vivid picture of a pivotal era in British history.