Give me 3 - Immigration to Britain - Year 6

Year 6
Give me 3 - Immigration to Britain - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Geography Resource Description

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Britain has long been a destination for people seeking a new life, and there are several reasons why it has been seen as an attractive place to live. The 'Give me 3!' activity encourages Year 6 children to think critically about the various factors that have drawn people to Britain. They are tasked to list three reasons why people have wanted to settle in the UK, with points awarded for each correct answer. While they work on this task, spelling is not prioritised, allowing them to focus on the content of their answers.

Furthermore, the activity prompts children to consider the positive impact of immigration on British society. They are asked to identify three ways in which immigration has contributed to the growth and development of Britain. This part of the exercise helps students appreciate the diversity and enrichment that comes with a multicultural population. In addition, the children are also asked to list three facts regarding the discrimination that new arrivals have often faced, highlighting the challenges immigrants may encounter. This multifaceted approach ensures that students gain a balanced understanding of the complexities surrounding immigration to Britain.

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