Link it! Prior knowledge - Immigration to Britain - Year 6

Geography Resource Description
In preparation for a Year 6 lesson on immigration to Britain, students are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and the diversity within their community. The 'Prior Knowledge' activity prompts them to consider whether they or their classmates have personal or familial connections to immigration, acknowledging that some may have relatives who moved to Britain from other countries. Additionally, the activity brings attention to current events that children might be aware of, such as individuals trying to enter Britain through precarious means like small boats or hidden in lorries. The discussion also recognises the multicultural makeup of many British towns and cities, where a significant number of people with different heritages live. Students are asked to document what they already know about the topic in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser.
The 'LINK IT!' section of the lesson aims to draw connections between the students' existing knowledge on immigration and related subjects. This could involve exploring immigration within the context of the same subject area, such as history or geography, or linking it to different subjects like social studies or literature, where themes of migration and settlement might be prevalent. Furthermore, the lesson acknowledges the value of personal experiences, inviting students to share their own stories or those of their families, which can provide rich, real-life context to the topic. By doing so, the lesson seeks to create a more comprehensive understanding of why Britain has been a destination for many seeking a new place to live.