Spelling - Home learning - Sound wh

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning  - Sound wh
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

For home learning, children are provided with differentiated spelling lists focusing on the 'wh' sound, along with a challenge word to enhance their vocabulary. The lists include words such as 'wheel', 'whisper', 'wheat', 'whiskers', 'whip', 'whale', 'whirl', 'while', 'whisk', and 'whistle'. The challenge word for an extra test of their spelling prowess is 'overwhelm'. To customise the learning experience, there are blank boxes available for adding any additional 'wh' words that may be beneficial for the children to learn.

Alongside the spelling lists, the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method is employed as an effective strategy for learning spellings. This technique encourages children to study the word ('Look'), pronounce it ('Say'), cover it to test memory ('Cover'), write it down ('Write'), and finally, verify their attempt ('Check'). If necessary, they make corrections in the next column. The home learning activities also include 'Read and Match' exercises where children can match words to pictures and compose sentences with their chosen 'wh' words to reinforce understanding and usage. Additionally, a 'Real and Nonsense words' activity is provided, where children identify real words with the 'wh' sound, use them in sentences, and have fun popping the bubbles containing nonsense words, further emphasising phonemic awareness.