Spelling - Home learning - Sound ea

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound ea
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For home learning, students are provided with differentiated spelling lists focusing on the sound 'ea'. These lists include a variety of words such as 'tea', 'heal', 'sea', 'pea', 'cheat', 'squeak', 'please', 'leave', 'breath', and 'squeal'. Each list comes with a challenge word, 'kneaded', to extend learning. Blank boxes are also available for any additional words that teachers may want to include for the children to practice.

The 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method is encouraged as an effective strategy to learn these spellings. This technique involves looking at the word, saying it aloud, covering it, attempting to write it from memory, and then checking to see if it has been spelled correctly. This process can be repeated, with any corrections being noted. Additionally, the 'Read and Match' activity asks students to match words to their correct pair and then use one of them in a sentence of their own creation. For further engagement, the 'Real and Nonsense words' exercise challenges students to identify real words and use one in a sentence, while marking the nonsense words with a cross, promoting phonetic awareness and word recognition.