Spelling - Home learning - Sound ow (snow)

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound ow (snow)
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

For home learning, children are exploring the 'ow' sound, as found in the word 'snow'. A set of differentiated spelling lists is provided, each containing words that feature this sound, and there's space for any additional words that may be beneficial for the children. The lists include words like 'blow', 'arrow', 'snow', 'below', 'row', 'elbow', 'flow', 'borrow', 'show', and 'meadow', with 'tomorrow' presented as a challenge word. This structured approach aims to help children master the pronunciation and spelling of words containing the 'ow' sound.

The 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method is incorporated into the learning process, encouraging students to study the word ('Look'), pronounce it ('Say'), cover it and try to recall it ('Cover'), write it down ('Write'), and then verify their attempt ('Check'). If necessary, they make corrections ('Correction'). This technique helps to reinforce the spelling of each word. Additionally, the 'Read and Match' activity allows children to engage with the words in a different context, while the creative task of writing sentences with their chosen words further enhances their understanding. To add an element of fun and challenge, a 'Real and Nonsense words' game is included, where children can identify real words and 'pop' the nonsense ones by marking them, further distinguishing between correct and incorrect usage of the 'ow' sound.