Spelling - Home learning - Sound ph

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound ph
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

For home learning, the focus is on the 'ph' sound, a common phoneme in the English language often found in words that may challenge young spellers. The differentiated spelling lists are tailored to help children practice and master words containing this sound. Each list includes a set of words such as 'nephew', 'alphabet', 'orphan', 'autograph', 'phonics', 'pharmacy', 'dolphin', 'microphone', 'phone', and 'diagraph'. To extend the learning, a challenge word is provided: 'pharmacist'. Blank boxes are also available for any additional words educators or parents wish to include for further practice.

The 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, and Check' method is employed as an effective strategy to reinforce spelling skills. Children are encouraged to look at the word, say it aloud, cover it, write it from memory, and then check to see if they have spelled it correctly. This exercise is repeated for both the initial set of words and a second set, which includes 'alphabet', 'autograph', 'pharmacy', 'microphone', and 'diagraph'. Additionally, children are prompted to read and match words to their correct pair and to use one of the words in a sentence, further enhancing their understanding and retention. For a fun twist, the 'Real and Nonsense words' activity challenges children to identify real words and use them in sentences, while marking the nonsense words, like 'holphon' and 'gaphing', with a cross to 'pop' them. This engaging approach not only helps with spelling but also with distinguishing between real and made-up words.