Spelling - Home learning - Sound u-e

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound u-e
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For home learning, students are provided with differentiated spelling lists focusing on the sound u-e, which includes a variety of words to practice and a challenge word 'include'. The lists feature words such as 'tube', 'volume', 'rude', 'huge', 'tune', 'refuse', 'mule', 'prune', 'flute', and 'perfume'. Blank boxes are also available for any additional words that the children might be encouraged to learn. This approach to spelling allows students to engage with the words at their own pace and also provides an opportunity for them to extend their learning with extra words of the educator's or parent's choice.

In addition to the spelling lists, the home learning activities include a 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' exercise, which is an effective method for practicing spelling. Students are encouraged to look at the word, say it aloud, cover it, write it from memory, and then check to see if they have spelled it correctly. This technique helps to reinforce the correct spelling of the words in their memory. Furthermore, there are 'Read and Match' activities where students can write sentences using the words they've learned, and a 'Real and Nonsense words' task where they identify real words and 'pop' the nonsense ones by marking them with a cross. These activities are designed to make learning interactive and enjoyable while reinforcing the u-e sound in various contexts.